Years of Minning

Raw Gold and Diamond

About GAGA Miners

Gaga miners is a community in central Africa republic , specializing in the mining of gold and rough diamonds .
The mines was originated from the peoples of the community in the early 2009 with the help of the geology in the mining field Since then the whole peoples of the community has been engaging on the sites working hand in hand .
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Buy Gold from Africa

Investing in the Golden Future:


Are you seeking secure investment opportunities with long-term value? Gold has stood the test of time, offering a hedge against inflation and a stable asset in uncertain markets. By investing with us, you become part of the journey, participating in the responsible extraction and exploration of this precious metal.

Explore the Possibilities:

Investors: Discover our diverse portfolio of projects, spanning from exploration to production, and find the investment that aligns with your goals.

Partners: Learn how we collaborate with like-minded organizations to push the boundaries of responsible mining and technological innovation.


Job Seekers: Join a team committed to excellence and contribute your expertise to a dynamic and rewarding industry.

The value of most African currencies are low as compared to US Dollars, this makes the Gold mining and gold processing a bit cheaper in Africa hence cheaper Gold Prices. Also, besides Gold processing, there is less value added on Gold while still in Africa leading to cheaper Gold prices.

What we do

Gold Minning

Gold may additionally be constrained and this is the purpose why the demand for these treasured metals is high, not simply due to the fact of its indigenous sheen and tones that are in reality challenging to skip and to resist. Gold comes in distinct varieties such as bullions, gold bars, stocks, and cash and of course, the most frequent of all because we see them every day, is jewellery.

Rough Diamond Minning

Rough diamonds are typically found in kimberlite and alluvial deposits in various parts of the world, including Africa, Canada, Australia, and Russia. After processing, rough diamonds are sorted based on their size, shape, color, and quality. Each rough diamond is carefully examined to assess its potential for cutting and polishing. Experienced gemologists then determine the diamond’s value.

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